Profit Hunter produced 171.29 points profit at BSP during ten months of proofing at Betting Gods, with a solid 17.5% ROI.
With such impressive results, the tipster officially joined the team and the service was launched. I was eager to get a review started as soon as possible.
Betting Gods had recently recruited several Betfair SP tipsters, which I was thrilled about, as betting with traditional bookmakers was becoming increasingly difficult.
Profit Hunter had grown his betting bank by 171% in less than a year, so I was certainly feeling optimistic, but I would need to track his results for a while myself to be sure.
The tips are sent out daily at 8.00am and there is also a notification sent out if it is going to be a "no tip day". They can be received by email, in the member's area or on the app.
I planned to follow the service for a minimum of three months. I was interested to see if they could maintain similar results under the added pressure of delivering for members.
My results will be posted here monthly, but in the meantime you can try Profit Hunter for just £1 for 30 days here.