Trademate Sports Review: Value Betting Software

Written by Laura Greve

Trademate Sports Review

The Trademate Sports tool scans bookmaker markets to find overpriced bets for you to take advantage of.

It works by calculating the true odds of a sports event and then shows an edge percentage, so you can instantly see the value of the bet when it is flagged up.

The scanner monitors odds 24/7 and posts available bets based on your filters once they are available, so you can bet whenever you want, on whatever you want.

The value betting service was co-founded by professional poker player Jonas Gjelstad who grew a sports betting bankroll from $10,000 to $1,000,000 in one year.

There are a number of sports included in the Trademate scanner, including football, basketball, American football, handball, rugby, baseball, tennis and eSports.

The software has customisable filters such as the sport, odds range, edge percentage and recommended leagues.

It supports 110 bookmakers and you can easily tick which ones you have access to, so that the software will only find bets at odds that you will be able to obtain.

You can also set the available starting balance you have in each bookie and your total betting bank is calculated and displayed on the dashboard.

I carried out two trials of the software and both were a success.

With some adjustments to my strategy in the second trial, my profits soared. I finished with £17,685 profit, which was an amazing 176.9% increase to my starting bank.

Read on for my full Trademate Sports review, or click here for a free trial.

Review profit/loss

£17,685 profit



Bank growth



Kelly staking plan

Starting bank

User discretion

Average no. bets

For us, 600 per month

Time tips sent



From €120 per month



Automated Results Tracking

Getting started with Trademate was really easy. Simply clicking on a bet flagged up in the Tradefeed allowed me to register it to the bet tracker and I would place the bet at the advised bookmaker.

The default staking system was the Kelly Criterion, which takes into account the edge, odds and bankroll to determine the bet size. The stake sizing can be adjusted in the settings according to your desired level of risk.

Once the event had finished, the result of the bet/trades were updated and the profit or loss was added to the balance. Statistics such as bank growth, total profit, ROI and number of bets were also calculated automatically on the dashboard.

This took away the need for spreadsheets and manually updating results which was a big positive for me, although I admit that it would have been handy resulted could be exported to a spreadsheet.

Here is a snapshot of one of the team's own Trademate software dashboard:

Trademate Sports Review Trade Stats

Trial Two

Month One Update

My original Trademate Sports review took place back in 2018, so I decided to do a re-trial and take a slightly different tack to my first trial.

I had a great start with £4,671 profit banked in the first month at an ROI of 4.8%.

Last time around, I had only gone in with a £1,000 bank but I had later been advised that the service works much better with a larger bank spread across as many bookmakers as possible. This would give more betting opportunities and hopefully result in more profit.

On that basis, I went in with £10,000 for my second trial split across 24 bookmakers and 2 betting exchanges.

Unfortunately, the software still didn't have the option to download my results in a CSV file, but I did have some stats and a graph that it had put together.

(Update: This feature has now been added to the software!)

Trademate Sports Review Month One Graph
Total turnover98.4k GBP
Total profit4671 GBP
Average ROI4.8%
Flat ROI3.2%
Closing edge Standard Deviation6.4
Average odds placed2.37 ( 42.2% )
Average true closing odds2.27 ( 44.1% )
Hit rate43.0%
Average time before kick off5 hours
Number of trades851

I could instantly see an improvement using this service with a bigger starting bank.

I hoped results would continue to be as good as the review went on.

Month Two Update

My Trademate Sports review was going very well indeed and I had doubled my bank by this point. I was up to £10,563 profit, which was a bank growth of 105.6%.

As you can see by the graph below, I was very close to the EV (expected value), which was £9,790 profit.

There had been some variance along the way, but I managed to ride it out and the profit line was heading in the right direction.

Trademate Sports Review Month Two Graph
Total turnover165.5k GBP
Total profit10563 GBP
Average ROI6.4%
Flat ROI2.9%
Closing edge Standard Deviation6.2
Average odds placed2.33 ( 42.9% )
Average true closing odds2.23 ( 44.8% )
Hit rate44.0%
Average time before kick off5 hours
Number of trades1278

Month Three Update

After three months of using the Trademate Sports software for my second trial, I had built up a profit of £17,685, which was a 176.9% increase to my starting bank.

My EV was around £17,193, so I was running slightly better, but very close to what I was expected to achieve.

Trademate Sports Review Month Three Graph
Total turnover303.7k GBP
Total profit17685 GBP
Average ROI5.8%
Flat ROI2.7%
Closing edge Standard Deviation6.1
Average odds placed2.31 ( 43.3% )
Average true closing odds2.22 ( 45.0% )
Hit rate45.0%
Average time before kick off5 hours
Number of trades1864

Trial One

In my first trial of Trademate Sports, I tested the software for just over four months. On the whole I had a positive experience, but I picked up on a few things that I felt would help to get the best out of the software and give a higher return.

I started with a £1,000 starting bank with £100 split across 10 bookmakers and finished with a profit of £123.59, which was a 12.4% increase to the bank.

The software itself had been a joy to use, with the interface being extremely user friendly and easy to use. It took care of tracking bets, results and compiling statistics and graphs automatically, so all you had to do is place the bet at the bookmaker and register the trade on the software.

Trademate Sports Review - Register Trade

I set the software to search for value bets with a minimum of 2% edge and to begin with I started with all sports.

Later on I decided to exclude American sports as they weren't performing well, but it may have had something to do with it being the beginning of the season for some US sports.

  • Basketball: -£48.07
  • Ice Hockey: -£61.30
  • Football: +£172.52
  • Rugby Union: +£87.61
  • Baseball: -£103.92
  • Tennis: +£123.59
  • Total: +£123.59

Key Stats

Number of Bets246
Total Stakes£3,402.00
Average Odds2.52
Strike Rate43.9%
Overall Bank Growth12.4%
Bank (£1000 starting)£1,123.59
Trademate Sports Review Graph

The main issue I found was that my starting bank was not big enough. I felt that to get the best out of the software, I would have needed to start with perhaps £5,000 - £10,000 at the core level.

This way, I would be able to spread the bank around a lot more bookmakers and the software would be able to find much more betting opportunities.

I also found that I had to be on my PC a lot to keep an eye out for new bets, although there was a notification system for desktops. The notification system for mobiles was set to be ready for the new winter football season.

Trademate CEO Marius gave us some useful advice:

First, the key to performing well with Trademate is to get in a large turnover, because there is only a small edge on each game 2-5%, how much profit one can expect to make is a function of the number of trades x stake per trade x closing edge. When I use TM for around 6-8 hours a week I manage to get in around 80-100 trades per week. Our most active users are able to get in 4-500 per week. But then also spend much more time than me. 

Second, an important factor is the starting bankroll. €1k is the minimum one should start out with. Smaller bank --> Smaller stake sizes. To make up for this one needs to put in more trades to reach the same turnover as a person with a higher starting bank and stake sizes, but fewer trades. 

Third, value betting has in its nature a lot of variance. So getting in a larger volume of trades is important for the good and bad swings to cancel out and leave you with the expected value.

Naturally having access to more bookies = more edges in general.

Review Summary

  • Web-based software
  • High volume of bets
  • Not suitable for starting banks less than £1,000

Trademate Sports is a well-designed bit of kit and far better than many similar value betting tools that I had seen on the market. 

Despite finishing my first trial with a profit, I felt that I needed to adjust my strategy based on the team's advice. I waited a while and then began a second trial, which was a great success.

I banked £17,685 profit, which was a 176.9% increase to my starting bank. 

Trademate Sports Review Month Three Graph

I found that the service would be more suited to those who are able to start with betting bank of at least £5,000 to get the best out of the software.

There needs to be enough funds available to spread around several bookmakers. In fact, I used 21 bookmakers and 1 exchange during my review.

For those interested in just using an exchange, I am pleased to say I achieved positive results. I was able to make a respectable £1,095 profit from Betfair Exchange. I turned over £5,809 in 46 bets, which worked out as an ROI of 18.8%.

I was so glad that I had given this product another go, as it turned out to be a cracker.

Although I had seen promising results from a smaller bankroll of £1,000 during my first trial, increasing my starting bank and increasing my bet volume allowed my profit to soar.

Trademate Sports is a solid value betting service and I stand by my initial pass rating.

  • Hi Laura,
    This review is 4 years old now, I wonder if the software is still as profitable. Would there be a third trial?
    Another question is, while the second trial was taking place, was it done full time in order to achieve the result?


    • Hi Vincent, I can’t see a reason why it would be any less profitable now than it was then as nothing has really changed. During the second trial, I used the software for around 30 mins in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. With Trademate, the more time you can commit and more bets you can place, the more profit you will make long-term.

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    Laura Greve

    About Laura

    I have been running the 'Betting System Review' part of Goal Profits since 2015. I carry out fully independent reviews of betting and trading systems, tracking results and giving my honest feedback.

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