Bet Less Win More Review: Betfair Horse Racing Tips

Written by Laura Greve

Bet Less Win More Review

Bet Less Win More is a horse racing tipping service with the motto "slow and steady wins the betting race".

The service is run by tipster Boz, who takes a selective and cautious approach with his tipping with the aim of making a gradual accumulation of profit.

He has a daily process of selecting one small field UK race and chooses a favourite offering poor value as a lay bet, with a view to it paying for a value bet on another horse in the same race.

The service was proofed to members in the "BOZmail" over a three year period and boasts a consistent strike rate of 66% on the daily lay bets and 25% on the back bets. The profit for 2018 was reported to be close to £10,000 based on £100 stakes.

Another part of the service is the Staggered Accumulator bets which aim to make much larger profits. These include selections for non-league football, women's grand slam tennis, UK National Hunt Racing and US Flat racing.

The idea is to place an initial bet and use the profit from this for further bets, making it a free acca from there on. This is repeated in hope of a big potential payout.

Bets are sent out by email each morning before 11.00am and they can also be accessed via a member's area.

We tracked results over five months and finished our review with a total of £434 profit at an ROI of 15.2% based on using a £1,000 starting bank. Read on for our full review and results.

Month One Results

After one month of following the Bet Less Win More tips we finished with a small loss of -0.61 points, which worked out as 3% of our 20 point starting bank.

Based on starting with a £1,000 bank, 1 point works at £50, but the service rarely advised to stake a full point on one bet. The average stake was 0.25 points.

We placed a total of 30 bets that were a mixture of back and lay bets for horse races and tennis matches. 

Key Stats

Available Odds
Number of Bets30
Total Stakes (pts)7.40
Profit/Loss (pts)-0.61
Strike Rate36.7%
Overall Bank Growth-3.0%
Bank (20pt starting)19.39


24/05/20196-40 WORCESTERDARCY WARDLay0.250.241.96-0.2419.76
27/05/20193-55 CARTMELEYES OF A TIGERLay0.200.403.000.1919.95
27/05/20193-55 CARTMELSPECIAL CATCHBack0.100.1015.00-0.1019.85
28/05/20193-00 BRIGHTONFRANZ KAFKALay0.400.402.00-0.4019.45
29/05/2019Bencic v SiegemundBELINDA BENICLay0.550.211.39-0.2119.24
29/05/20197-50 CARTMELCARTER McKAYLay0.350.291.82-0.2918.95
29/05/20197-50 CARTMELMUNSAABBack0.100.1040.00-0.1018.85
30/05/20192-40 WETHERBYMOKAMMALLay0.200.131.65-0.1318.72
31/05/20198-20 STRATFORDRISK A FINELay0.200.342.68-0.3418.38
08/06/20191-45 HAYDOCKPARADISE BOYBack0.100.104.80-0.1018.28
10/06/20193-30 LEICESTERARTHUR KITTLay0.250.503.000.2418.52
10/06/20193-30 LEICESTERBOMBYXBack0.150.153.10-0.1518.37
14/06/20194-05 YORKHAPPY POWERLay0.150.192.26-0.1918.48
14/06/20194-05 YORKRAAKIB ALHAWABack0.100.1011.00-0.1018.38
15/06/20194-25 SANDOWNMUBARIZLay0.150.363.400.1418.52
15/06/20194-25 SANDOWNCRISTAL BREEZELay0.150.534.500.1418.67
15/06/20194-25 SANDOWNPOUR ME A DRINKBack0.250.2511.00-0.2518.42
16/06/20193-20 DONCASTERSEA OF FAITHLay1.000.091.09-0.0918.33
17/06/20197-20 NOTTINGHAMBRISTOL MILELay0.250.482.900.2418.56
17/06/20197-20 NOTTINGHAMOVERTRUMPEDBack0.100.107.50-0.1018.46
17/06/20197-20 NOTTINGHAMDIENONYCHUSBack0.100.108.00-0.1018.36
18/06/20194-05 STRATFORDRONAVALay0.250.272.06-0.2718.10
18/06/20194-05 STRATFORDWELL SMITTENBack0.150.155.30-0.1517.95
19/06/2019Johanna Konta v OstapenkoJOHANNA KONTALay0.500.181.360.4818.42
20/06/2019Naomi Osaka v PutintsevaNAOMI OSAKALay0.300.101.330.2918.71
21/06/2019Jelena Ostapenko v MarticJELENA OSTAPENKOBack0.350.352.100.3719.07
22/06/2019Goerges v MarticGOERGESBack0.200.201.940.1819.25
23/06/20192-45 HEXHAMINNOCENT TOUCHLay0.250.663.650.2419.49
23/06/20192-45 HEXHAMNIETZSCHEBack0.100.103.65-0.1019.39

Month Two Results

Month two in our review of the Bet Less Win More service went much better, finishing with 8.53 points profit at a remarkable ROI of 65.8%. Overall our bank had grown by a healthy 39.6%, which was very positive after just two months of following the service.

Based on a £1,000 bank, our profit would have worked out at £396.00 in total.

Key Stats

Available Odds
Number of Bets46
Total Stakes (pts)12.96
Profit/Loss (pts)8.53
Strike Rate60.9%
Overall Bank Growth39.6%
Bank (20pt starting)27.92


25/06/20192-45 BRIGHTONBREDENBURYLay0.250.201.78-0.2019.20
26/06/20192-10 FFOS LASKING CNUTLay0.250.754.000.2419.43
26/06/20192-10 FFOS LASMIDDLEBROWBack0.100.1026.002.3821.81
27/06/20193-30 NEWCASTLETAMMOOZBack0.100.103.40-0.1021.71
28/06/20192-55 CARTMELENNISTOWNLay0.250.462.84-0.4621.25
28/06/20192-55 CARTMELFRANCKY DU BERLAISBack0.150.155.30-0.1521.10
29/06/20195-35 NEWMARKETOCEAN PARADISEBack0.250.253.00-0.2520.85
30/06/20194-40 UTTOXETERDOUBLE WÂ’sLay0.250.553.200.2421.09
01/07/20192-30 PONTEFRACTMONOSKILay0.250.101.400.2421.32
01/07/20192-30 PONTEFRACTHURSTWOODBack0.
02/07/20196-45 STRATFORDFIDUXLay0.300.492.62-0.4921.54
02/07/20196-45 STRATFORDNO HASSLEHOFFBack0.150.154.50-0.1521.39
03/07/20194-20 WORCESTERTHE VOLLANLay0.250.402.600.2421.62
03/07/20194-20 WORCESTERBEACH BREAKBack0.100.1012.00-0.1021.52
04/07/20192-00 HAYDOCKSTARCZEWSKILay0.250.502.980.2421.76
04/07/20194-10 PERTHBLUE KASCADEBack0.100.1011.00-0.1021.66
05/07/20194-20 NEWTON ABBOTLORD IN REDLay0.200.403.00-0.4021.26
06/07/20198-30 CARLISLEENOUGH ALREADYLay0.250.382.500.2421.50
06/07/20198-30 CARLISLEI AM A DREAMERBack0.
07/07/20193-35 AYRNIBRAS AGAINLay0.350.602.700.3322.47
07/07/20193-35 AYRHAROMEBack0.
08/07/20193-45 WORCESTERBOOMARANGLay0.400.131.330.3823.15
08/07/20193-45 WORCESTERPINK EYED PEDROBack0.100.106.400.5423.69
09/07/20192-45 PONTEFRACTMAJOR BLUELay0.250.502.98-0.5023.20
09/07/20192-45 PONTEFRACTPACKINGTON LANEBack0.150.157.00-0.1523.05
10/07/20197-00 BATHCREEK ISLANDLay0.350.352.000.3323.38
10/07/20197-00 BATHGREELEYBack0.150.156.00-0.1523.23
11/07/20194-25 DONCASTERCORNCRAKELay0.250.201.80-0.2023.03
11/07/20194-25 DONCASTERFELIXBack0.150.157.00-0.1522.88
12/07/20196-10 FFOS LASPINK EYED PEDROBack0.300.303.250.6823.55
13/07/20192-25 NEWTON ABBOTPINGSHOULay0.750.421.560.7124.27
14/07/20194-25 PERTHEMERALD ROCKETLay0.500.421.840.4824.74
15/07/20194-10 AYROSTON GEORGELay0.250.432.720.2424.98
15/07/20198-00 WINDSORSENDEEDLay0.350.482.360.3325.31
15/07/20198-00 WINDSORMANNAALBack0.100.1010.000.9026.21
17/07/20193-00 CATTERICKJOIE DE VIVRELay0.200.604.000.1926.40
17/07/20193-00 CATTERICKQUINTADABack0.100.102.400.1426.54
18/07/20197-30 FFOS LASPINK EYED PEDROBack0.100.104.50-0.1026.44
18/07/20197-30 FFOS LASJIMMY RABBITTEBack0.
20/07/20191-55 CARTMELSTONY STREAMLay0.250.603.400.2426.98
21/07/20192-40 NEWTON ABBOTCAIUS MARCIUSLay0.250.282.10-0.2827.00
22/07/20195-00 CARTMELWINTER LIONLay0.300.412.360.2927.28
22/07/20195-00 CARTMELRED GIANTBack0.100.109.00-0.1027.18
23/07/20196-10 SOUTHWELLLE MUSEELay0.350.341.980.3327.52
23/07/20196-10 SOUTHWELLREADY AND ABLEBack0.

Month Three Results

There was a loss of 1.85 points in the third month of our Bet Less Win More review, but we were still in a good position overall with a 30.3% bank growth. Based on a £1,000 bank, that worked out as a total profit £303.50.

There hadn't been any success with the staggered acca bets yet but they had only set us back by 0.78 points overall, which could easily be recovered.

Unfortunately we missed any advised bets between 21st-27th August as we realised that our membership needed to be renewed. Our review continued from 28th August.

Key Stats

Available Odds
Number of Bets42
Total Stakes (pts)13.45
Profit/Loss (pts)-1.85
Strike Rate47.6%
Overall Bank Growth30.3%
Bank (20pt starting)26.07


24/07/20194-00 BATHHERITAGELay0.300.332.100.2928.20
24/07/20194-00 BATHSTORM MELODYBack0.150.156.00-0.1528.05
25/07/201911-55 SOUTHWELLHOME PLACELay0.350.793.250.3328.38
25/07/201911-55 SOUTHWELLWILBERDRAGONBack0.150.158.40-0.1528.23
26/07/20192-35 UTTOXETERANNIE ANGELLay0.450.281.62-0.2827.95
26/07/20192-35 UTTOXETERTEMPLEPARKBack0.100.105.20-0.1027.85
27/07/20196-00 LINGFIELDNARINALay0.250.482.900.2428.09
27/07/20196-00 LINGFIELDHERMOCRATESBack0.100.105.50-0.1027.99
29/07/20194-45 NEWTON ABBOTSAMSONLay0.400.682.700.3828.37
29/07/20194-45 NEWTON ABBOTINCLUDEDBack0.100.107.00-0.1028.27
30/07/20194-00 YARMOUTHMAJAALISLay0.250.241.970.2428.51
30/07/20194-00 YARMOUTHPOLYBIUSBack0.100.1013.00-0.1028.41
31/07/20192-00 PERTHBRAID BLUELay0.500.702.40-0.7027.71
01/08/20198-00 EPSOMCITY WANDERERLay0.300.322.060.2927.99
01/08/20198-00 EPSOMDATA PROTECTIONBack0.250.253.950.7028.69
02/08/20195-30 MUSSELBURGHABOVELay0.350.362.02-0.3628.34
02/08/20195-30 MUSSELBURGHSAINT OF KATOWICEBack0.200.203.25-0.2028.14
03/08/20194-40 DONCASTEROXTEDLay0.400.432.080.3828.52
03/08/20194-40 DONCASTERTABDEEDLay0.300.322.08-0.3228.19
03/08/20194-40 DONCASTERBERNARDO O'REILLYBack0.100.1011.50-0.1028.09
04/08/20193-00 MARKET RASENCOURT DUTYLay0.250.613.450.2428.33
04/08/20193-00 MARKET RASENBEAUTIFUL BENBack0.200.2011.00-0.2028.13
05/08/20194-15 KEMPTONIRONCLADLay0.
07/08/20194-40 BATHBLAME IT ON SALLYLay0.500.411.810.4828.78
07/08/20194-40 BATHSINNDARELLABack0.100.107.40-0.1028.68
08/08/20196-45 SANDOWNNATIVE TRIBELay0.350.281.80-0.2828.40
08/08/20196-45 SANDOWNHERMAN HESSEBack0.050.055.40-0.0528.35
08/08/20198-15 SANDOWNRAMPANT LIONLay0.200.503.500.1928.54
10/08/20193-05 HAYDOCKADDEYBBLay0.500.602.20-0.6027.94
10/08/20193-05 HAYDOCKRAISE YOUBack0.300.304.10-0.3027.64
11/08/20194-20 LEICESTERSILKSTONELay0.150.514.400.1427.79
12/08/20192-45 CATTERICKFILLYDELPHIABack0.100.1026.00-0.1027.92
13/08/20195-45 CARLISLEFOX HILLLay0.250.834.300.2428.16
14/08/20193-40 NEWTON ABBOTASYLOLay0.300.442.460.2928.45
15/08/20195-30 SALISBURYLAND OF OZLay0.500.441.87-0.4428.58
17/08/20194-50 PERTHMAX DO BRAZILLay0.250.141.550.2428.82
17/08/20194-50 PERTHMUSTMEETALADYBack0.
19/08/20196-40 BANGORSEE THE SEALay0.200.392.94-2.9426.42
20/08/20196-05 NEWTON ABBOTBRAMBLE BROOKBack0.350.352.28-0.3526.07

Month Four Results

We made a small profit of 0.24 points in month four of our Bet Less Win More review, which took our total bank growth up to 31.5%. It had been slow going during the last couple of months but our ROI was looking good at 14.1% for the review overall.

Key Stats

Available Odds
Number of Bets37
Total Stakes (pts)10.87
Profit/Loss (pts)0.24
Strike Rate43.2%
Overall Bank Growth31.5%
Bank (20pt starting)26.3


28/08/2019KONTA V GASPARYANJOHANNA KONTALay0.500.151.29-0.1525.92
29/08/2019PETRA KVITOVA v PETKOVICPETRA KVITOVALay0.400.111.280.3826.30
31/08/20194-50 NEWTON ABBOTGAME LINELay0.250.503.000.2426.54
31/08/20194-50 NEWTON ABBOTPRIMAL FOCUSBack0.100.108.50-0.1026.44
01/09/20192-40 WORCESTERGO ANOTHER ONELay0.350.151.44-0.1526.29
01/09/20192-40 WORCESTERLADY MARKBYBack0.100.1022.00-0.1026.19
02/09/2019Julia Goerges v Donna VekicJULIA GOERGESBack0.250.252.08-0.2525.94
05/09/20194-30 SEDGEFIELDDOUNYAPOURLay0.500.441.88-0.4425.50
06/09/2019Andreescu v S WilliamsSERENA WILLIAMSLay0.500.201.390.4825.97
07/09/20194-00 STRATFORDTOPOFTHECOTSWOLDSLay0.300.603.00-0.6025.37
07/09/20194-00 STRATFORDPLAY THE ACEBack0.200.208.00-0.2025.17
08/09/20193-45 FONTWELLCHAPMANSHYPELay0.250.633.50-0.6324.49
09/09/20193-00 NEWTON ABBOTBLACK ANTHEMLay0.500.441.880.4824.97
09/09/20193-00 NEWTON ABBOTMARKET ROADBack0.100.1010.50-0.1024.87
09/09/20193-00 NEWTON ABBOTMR SATCOBack0.050.0513.00-0.0524.82
10/09/20192-40 WORCESTERBYRON FLYERLay0.350.692.98-0.6924.12
11/09/20194-20 UTTOXETERSANSOMLay0.250.703.800.2424.36
11/09/20194-20 UTTOXETERMIDNIGHT MAESTROBack0.150.154.00-0.1524.21
12/09/20198-20 CHELMSFORDSAUCHIEHALL STREETBack0.150.153.80-0.1524.06
12/09/20198-20 CHELMSFORDCONKERING HEROBack0.100.104.700.3624.42
12/09/20198-20 CHELMSFORDREVERSED FORECASTBack0.050.100.00-0.1024.32
13/09/20194-40 CHESTERHEREBYLay0.350.271.76-0.2724.06
14/09/20194-20 BATHAMOROUSLYLay0.300.904.000.2924.34
14/09/20194-20 BATHTELL WILLIAMBack0.200.206.60-0.2024.14
15/09/20193-20 BATHPRINCESS WAYLay0.250.683.700.2424.38
16/09/20192-50 WORCESTERARDRRASTOSLay0.300.873.900.2924.66
16/09/20192-50 WORCESTERSIZING PLATINUMBack0.100.107.600.6325.29
17/09/20194-30 REDCARCALL ME GINGERLay0.150.121.83-0.1225.17
18/09/20193-40 KELSONEWTOWN BOYLay0.250.362.44-0.3624.81
18/09/20193-40 KELSOPLACEDELA CONCORDEBack0.100.1028.00-0.1024.71
19/09/20195-30 CHELMSFORDTAVUSLay0.250.382.520.1924.90
20/09/20192-00 NEWTON ABBOTSHAMAN DU BERLAISLay0.250.352.380.2526.05
21/09/20195-00 NEWMARKETSTAGEHANDLay0.150.141.900.1426.19
21/09/20195-00 NEWMARKETQUINTADABack0.100.104.300.3126.50
22/09/20194-15 PLUMPTONSIZING GRANITEBack0.200.204.00-0.2026.30

Month Five Results

We made a profit of 2.38 points in month five of our trial, which worked out at £119.00 profit to finish our review off nicely.

Key Stats

Available Odds
Number of Bets37
Total Stakes (pts)12.28
Profit/Loss (pts)2.38
Strike Rate54.1%
Overall Bank Growth43.4%
Bank (20pt starting)28.68


24/09/20192-45 WARWICKISAAC WONDERLay0.200.423.10-0.4225.88
25/09/20192-40 PERTHDOUBLE COURTLay0.250.513.050.2526.13
26/09/20197-30 CHELMSFORDBINT DANDYBack0.100.109.40-0.1026.03
27/09/20193-10 WORCESTERSTREAM LADYLay0.150.323.100.1426.17
27/09/20193-10 WORCESTERZARA HOPEBack0.100.105.80-0.1026.07
01/10/20193-00 SEDGEFIELDTONTOÂ’S SPIRITLay0.350.592.68-0.5925.48
01/10/20193-00 SEDGEFIELDNIETZSCHEBack0.250.253.30-0.2525.23
02/10/20191-55 NOTTINGHAMSPIRIT OF THE SKYLay0.200.222.10-0.2225.01
03/10/20193-05 WARWICKBALLYMOYLay0.250.181.700.2525.26
04/10/20194-45 FONTWELLSOUPY SOUPSLay0.300.582.920.2925.54
04/10/20194-45 FONTWELLWALTBack0.150.1510.50-0.1525.39
05/10/20193-30 FONTWELLCERVARO MIXLay0.300.512.700.2925.68
07/10/20192-50 STRATFORDMAIRE BANRIGHLay0.350.341.96-0.3425.34
07/10/20192-50 STRATFORDWENCESLAUSBack0.100.1011.00-0.1025.24
08/10/20196-10 CHELMSFORDAMBASSADORIALLay0.300.603.000.2925.53
08/10/20196-10 CHELMSFORDHABUBBack0.150.152.740.2525.78
09/10/20191-15 LUDLOWBEAU SANCYLay0.200.553.750.1925.97
10/10/20193-50 WORCESTERSTORM ARISINGLay0.500.602.200.4926.46
11/10/20193-20 CHEPSTOWTRUCKERS LODGELay0.350.703.000.3426.80
12/10/20193-55 CHEPSTOWRESERVE TANKBack0.200.202.00-0.2026.60
14/10/20196-15 BELMONT PARKFREUDIAN SIPLay0.300.542.80-0.5426.06
14/10/20196-15 BELMONT PARKRIDOLFOBack0.100.1032.00-0.1025.96
15/10/20193-05 HEREFORDSTATION MASTERBack0.100.106.00-0.1025.86
16/10/20192-55 WETHERBYSAM SPINNERLay0.750.651.86-0.6525.21
16/10/20192-55 WETHERBYRETURN TICKETBack0.250.2517.00-0.2524.96
17/10/20194-00 CARLISLETHUNDERSTRUCKLay0.150.514.400.1425.11
17/10/20194-55 WINCANTONLADY BOWESBack0.050.0575.00-0.0525.06
18/10/20191-55 FAKENHAMBALLYELLISLay0.750.812.080.7125.77
18/10/20191-55 FAKENHAMSKEAPINGBack0.150.156.600.8526.62
18/10/20191-55 FAKENHAMREVERSED FORECAST – SKEAPING & SOME BOY McCOYBack0.050.050.00-0.0526.57
19/10/20193-10 MARKET RASENUMNDENILay0.100.304.000.1026.66
19/10/20193-10 MARKET RASENSKANDIBURGLay0.100.465.600.1026.85
19/10/20193-10 MARKET RASENHONEST VICBack0.
20/10/20193-50 KEMPTONSNAPDRAGON FIRELay0.150.454.000.1427.56
21/10/20192-40 PLUMPTONWENCESLAUSBack0.250.254.900.9328.49
22/10/20194-10 EXETERSOUTHFIELD STONELay0.200.161.780.1928.68

Review Summary

We finished our Bet Less Win More review with a total profit of £434.00 at a healthy ROI of 15.2% based on our starting bank of £1,000. That worked out as an overall bank growth 43%.

The service was different to any that we had come across before, with a selective approach to gradually build a steady profit. Each day we were sent an email with a race and a lay and/or back bet to place on Betfair and an advised stake for each.

The staking was careful and meant that we were never risking too much of our betting bank.

Being able to bet only using Betfair was a big plus point as there was no worrying about being limited at bookmakers. Our results include a deduction of 5% commission, but the new Betfair rewards scheme introduced during our review meant commission could be as little as 2%.

Available Odds
Number of Bets192
Total Stakes (pts)56.96
Profit/Loss (pts)8.68
Strike Rate49.5%
Overall Bank Growth43.4%
Bank (20pt starting)28.68
Bet Less Win More Review Graph

Each email had a detailed write-up on the race and chosen selections and some added extras such as horses to follow for potential trading opportunities and staggered accumulator bets.

It's clear that "The Boz" is both knowledgable and passionate about horse racing and we felt confident in following his selections throughout the review.

We have no hesitation in recommending the service and we have awarded a "pass" rating.

Review Stats+8.68pts profit, 15.2% ROI, 49.5% SR
Stakes Varies
Starting bank 20 points
Average no. betsApprox. 40 per month
Time of emailsEvening before races
Price£24.99 per month

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  • Your introduction for Bet Less Win More, presumably that’s not a pass yet? Does that just mean it’s one that you’re going to be testing over the next 3 months?

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    Laura Greve

    About Laura

    I have been running the 'Betting System Review' part of Goal Profits since 2015. I carry out fully independent reviews of betting and trading systems, tracking results and giving my honest feedback.

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    The Inside Man, or Adam Cheng as he’s better known, proved that his experience within the industry has given him an edge against the bookmakers, delivering a profit in every season.

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    I have reviewed a number of matched betting services, but OddsMonkey is one of the best. It’s easy to use, great value for money and there’s even a FREE trial!

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    Goal Profits

    Are you ready to learn how profitable football trading works, generate a second income, or simply improve on past returns?
