RM Greyhound Tips Review: Professional Greyhound Tipster

Written by Laura Turner

RM Greyhound Tips Review

Greyhound Tipsters are few and far between, so when we spotted the RM Greyhound Tips service we were excited to start a review.

The reported results over at Tipsters Empire for the service to date look promising, with an average monthly profit of £173 to £10 stakes and a return on investment rate of 24%.

Prior to this we had only come across one other greyhound tipster known as The Judge, who delivered some fantastic results in our review. It's an often overlooked sport to bet on, particularly online, as most punters seem to focus on football and horse racing where there is more data readily available to analyse.

The man behind RM Greyhound Tips grew up in Northern Ireland where he caught the greyhound bug at an early age. His Dad and Grandad bred greyhounds and he often found himself at the tracks 3-4 nights a week.

After leaving school he worked alongside professional greyhound trainers and also had a 6 year stint working at Drumbo Park. He uses this experience to spot trainer's trends and pick out winners on a daily basis.

He tracks he focuses on mainly are Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland, Newcastle, Hove, Central Park and Monmore.

A 150 point starting bank is recommended and stakes are advised between 1-2 points. 

During our three month review, the service had an excellent performance with 3 out of 3 winning months and a total profit of 45.82 points at an ROI of 25.9%

Month One Results

It was a brilliant start for the RM Greyhound Tips service in the first month of our review, with a profit of 30.94 points at an ROI of 54.8%. This worked out as a 20.6% increase to our starting bank.

We did have an issue with finding the advised odds on many occasions, which made a difference of just under 9 points profit. On checking the odds history of the selections, sometimes we couldn't find that the advised price had ever been available which was a bit strange.

So far we were still able to make a profit so it wasn't too much of an issue but it would certainly make a difference to long-term results.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets3737
Total Stakes (pts)56.556.5
Profit/Loss (pts)39.8930.94
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)£398.90£309.40
Strike Rate54.1%54.1%
Overall Bank Growth26.6%20.6%
Bank (150pt starting)189.89180.94


DateRaceSelectionStakeAvailable OddsP/LBank
19/09/20199.22 YarmouthMOTTOS MOON2.004.00-2.00148.00
19/09/20198.06 HoveNOWHERE FAST1.002.751.75149.75
20/09/20198.38 RomfordARGENTINA1.503.503.75153.50
21/09/20198.00 CrayfordANTIGUA FIRE1.503.75-1.50152.00
22/09/20197.53 Central ParkMELODYS SECRET1.006.005.00157.00
22/09/20198.44 Central ParkBULL RUN BYTE1.502.001.50158.50
23/09/20197.52 NottinghamRACKITUP CHARLIE2.004.507.00165.50
23/09/20195.22 SheffieldPIEMANS DAISY1.503.003.00168.50
24/09/20197.26 SheffieldMEADOW WAY STAR1.503.253.38171.88
26/09/20197.17 HoveNOWHERE FAST1.502.001.50173.38
26/09/20199.26 HoveWASTE HOUSE ECO2.002.252.50175.88
27/09/20199.08 RomfordBALLYMAC DIEGO2.002.382.76178.64
28/09/20198.27 MonmoreVELVET JULIET2.001.91-2.00176.64
29/09/20197.03 Central ParkTEN MORE1.502.75-1.50175.14
01/10/20191.08 Central ParkART OF SPEED1.502.372.06177.19
02/10/20198.13 SunderlandBALLYMAC ALFONSE2.003.505.00182.19
03/10/20198.06 HoveDISTANT VILLAGE2.002.002.00184.19
04/10/20199.26 RomfordARGENTINA2.002.50-2.00182.19
19/10/2019SCURRY CUPTROY BELLA1.008.00-1.00181.19
05/10/20199.09 CrayfordSHELDAN1.004.50-1.00180.19
06/10/20192.48 HenlowSILVA HILL2.002.002.00182.19
07/10/20192.08 SheffieldPENNYS POPPY1.502.251.88184.07
09/10/20195.44 HoveBLAKES BONANZA1.503.003.00187.07
10/10/20198.53 HoveDROOPYS NIRVANA1.502.87-1.50185.57
11/10/20199.41 RomfordROXHOLME LIZZIE1.004.33-1.00184.57
12/10/20198.57 MonmoreDESPERADO DAN1.502.00-1.50183.07
12/10/20198.34 CrayfordMARY GOODNIGHT2.002.002.00185.07
13/10/20197.18 Central ParkHEADFORD TONY1.503.50-1.50183.57
13/10/20193.27 HenlowSTRIDES FARRAN1.502.001.50185.07
13/10/20198.09 Central ParkMAGICAL BLOND1.002.50-1.00184.07
14/10/20199.22 NottinghamEMERS COOKIE1.502.001.50185.57
15/10/20197.57 SheffieldCACTUS TWINK2.002.00-2.00183.57
16/10/20198.21 DoncasterDROOPYS LIVE1.502.251.88185.44
16/10/20195.28 HoveNOIRS DANIELS1.504.00-1.50183.94
17/10/20196.27 HoveMAYSTHISTLECRACK1.003.75-1.00182.94
17/10/20198.29 NewcastleFOREST JASON1.003.75-1.00181.94
17/10/20198.44 NewcastleBULL RUN BYTE1.002.62-1.00180.94

Month Two Results

It was another good month for RM Greyhound Tips with a further profit of 8.01 points added to our betting bank. Added to the first month's profit, that worked out as 38.95 points profit altogether and a 26% bank growth.

We continued to have trouble getting the advised odds which meant we were around 20 points behind in profit.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets5050
Total Stakes (pts)70.0070.00
Profit/Loss (pts)19.038.01
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)£190.30£80.10
Strike Rate38.0%38.0%
Overall Bank Growth39.3%26.0%
Bank (150pt starting)208.92188.95


DateRaceSelectionStakeAvailable OddsP/LBank
18/10/20198.38 RomfordMELODYS SECRET2.003.004.00184.94
19/10/20198.51 CrayfordBEECHGROVE BELL1.503.00-1.50183.44
19/10/2019LADBROKES GOLD COLLARMAYS GOODNIGHT1.0011.00-1.00182.44
20/10/20196.44 Central ParkWHITINGS GIFT1.504.004.50186.94
20/10/20199.01 Central ParkBALLYMAC CAMDON1.502.50-1.50185.44
21/10/2019British Breeders StakesDOWN TO THE FELT1.009.00-1.00184.44
21/10/20198.23 NottinghamBALLYMAC OSBY1.502.50-1.50182.94
23/10/2019Yorkshire St Leger FinalGOLDIES HOTSPUR1.0011.00-1.00181.94
23/10/20199.26 DoncasterANTIGUA ROMEO1.501.801.20183.14
23/10/20194.09 HoveDINNER OMONIA1.502.251.88185.02
07/11/2019BRIGHTON BELLEDODGERS DRUM e/w1.5011.00-1.50183.52
24/10/20197.42 NewcastleZENO1.502.382.07185.59
24/10/20198.13 NEWCASTLEVATICAN SAAB1.004.50-1.00184.59
25/10/20197.49 RomfordMelodyÂ’s Secret1.503.00-1.50183.09
26/10/20198.11 MonmoreCOOLAVANNY DYLAN1.003.25-1.00182.09
26/10/20198.21 HoveSIZZLERS OLLY1.502.251.88183.96
27/10/20195.47 HenlowSAVANA DIANE1.503.253.38187.34
28/10/20198.51 NOTTINGHAMDROOPYS TRAPPER1.003.75-1.00186.34
28/10/20199.22 NottinghamDROOPYS VERVE2.002.00-2.00184.34
30/10/20197.05 PeterboroughROEDHOLM COSMIC1.004.00-1.00183.34
31/10/20199.08 HoveBILLY BALLOONS1.502.752.63185.96
31/10/20199.26 HoveSLAHENY STAR1.501.911.37187.33
31/10/20196.27 HoveTEN MORE1.004.33-1.00186.33
01/11/20197.17 RomfordTROY FIREBIRD1.502.25-1.50184.83
01/11/20198.30 SunderlandRAISE THE STAKES1.501.570.86185.68
02/11/20198.00 CrayfordMANIC STATE1.501.801.20186.88
02/11/20199.32 MonmoreMYDRAS TIPP1.003.00-1.00185.88
04/11/20198.23 NottinghamBramble Reggie e/w1.5021.00-1.50184.38
03/11/20197.36 Central ParkMILLROAD SUSIE1.502.001.50185.88
03/11/20199.01 Central ParkMAGICAL VERA2.002.002.00187.88
05/11/20199.14 SheffieldTHE OTHER REX1.004.50-1.00186.88
06/11/20197.26 SunderlandBLAKEFIELD JADE2.003.50-2.00184.88
06/11/20197.17 DoncasterRUSSANDA FOREST1.503.50-1.50183.38
06/11/20197.26 SunderlandBLAKEFIELD JADE2.003.50-2.00181.38
07/11/20198.06 HoveGALLOPING MOON1.502.752.63184.01
08/11/20199.56 RomfordKOVAC BAILEY1.501.67-1.50182.51
09/11/20197.33 HoveWASTE HOUSE ECO2.002.00-2.00180.51
09/11/20197.49 HoveBARRICANE BATMAN1.003.75-1.00179.51
09/11/20199.32 MonmoreSTUDENT PRINCE1.0011.0010.00189.51
10/11/20197.36 Central ParkBALLYDORGAN DES1.502.251.88191.38
10/11/20197.53 Central ParkWESTWAY DONALD1.002.75-1.00190.38
11/11/20197.52 NottinghamGROGEEN COUNTRY1.003.00-1.00189.38
11/11/20198.51 NottinghamBRAMBLE REGGIE1.502.632.45191.83
14/11/201911.03 SunderlandWITTON TORNADO1.002.501.50193.33
14/11/20198.29 NewcastleBRAMBLE ANNECE1.502.752.63195.95
15/11/201911.21 HoveBALLYBOUGH LYLA1.002.88-1.00194.95
15/11/20198.06 RomfordBUBBLY BONITA2.001.72-2.00192.95
16/11/20197.54 MonmoreSHARP DARCY1.503.00-1.50191.45
18/11/20198.37 NottinghamHEADFORD MAURICE1.502.50-1.50189.95
18/11/20199.22 NottinghamLEMON RONALD1.006.00-1.00188.95

Month Three Results

It was yet another good set of results for RM Greyhound Tips in month three of our review and 6.87 points add to our bank. As with the previous two months, we struggled to find the advised odds but were still able to finish with a profit.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets3535
Total Stakes (pts)50.550.5
Profit/Loss (pts)17.316.87
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)£173.10£68.70
Strike Rate40.0%40.0%
Overall Bank Growth50.8%30.5%
Bank (150pt starting)226.23195.82


DateRaceSelectionStakeAvailable OddsP/LBank
19/11/20197.26 SheffieldHEAVENS BISCUIT1.502.25-1.50187.45
20/11/201911.46 Central ParkART OF SPEED1.502.251.88189.33
21/11/20197.33 HoveDEEP POCKETS2.002.00-2.00187.33
21/11/20198.06 HoveVICIOUS CIRCLE1.503.00-1.50185.83
21/11/20198.38 HoveWASTE HOUSE ECO1.002.501.50187.33
22/11/20191.57 HoveBALLINTINE PATCH1.502.75-1.50185.83
23/11/20198.04 SwindonEMERS COOKIE1.002.50-1.00184.83
23/11/20198.11 MonmoreDROOPYS ADDITION1.503.253.38188.20
23/11/20199.24 SwindonJET STREAM IVY1.502.75-1.50186.70
24/11/20198.27 Central ParkGOLDIES HODDLE1.503.754.13190.83
25/11/20198.08 NottinghamUPTON LEGEND1.504.335.00195.82
25/11/20198.37 NottinghamANNAGHDOWN VINNY2.002.75-2.00193.82
25/11/20198.51 NottinghamBOWER LUKE1.003.00-1.00192.82
26/11/20198.13 SheffieldPOND ADONIS1.003.25-1.00191.82
01/12/20198.27 Central ParkKENTON TEN1.502.10-1.50190.32
02/12/201912.01 Central ParkHOLLYOAK OLIVIA1.503.00-1.50188.82
04/12/2019ENGLISH OAKSVELVET JULIET2.003.50-2.00186.82
05/12/201912.18 SunderlandWITTON TORNADO1.002.751.75188.57
05/12/20198.38 HoveDINNER RICHNALAN1.502.251.88190.45
06/12/20197.38 Central ParkART OF SPEED2.002.50-2.00188.45
06/12/20197.49 RomfordDESPERADO ROCCO1.502.251.88190.32
08/12/20193.47 HenlowSAVANA MAJESTIC1.502.75-1.50188.82
09/12/20198.37 NottinghamGEELO BREZZA1.503.754.13192.95
09/12/20195.37 MonmoreCLEAN BREAK1.503.25-1.50191.45
10/12/20197.42 SheffieldMAKE NO APOLOGIE1.501.91-1.50189.95
10/12/20198.13 SheffieldTHE OTHER RAMBO1.001.300.30190.25
10/12/20198.44 SheffieldKING DYLAN1.503.50-1.50188.75
11/12/20196.55 SunderlandOPTIC HECZ1.503.503.75192.50
13/12/20198.21 RomfordPASSING STRANGER1.002.63-1.00191.50
13/12/201910.13 RomfordBURGESS PARADISE2.002.102.20193.70
14/12/20197.03 HoveSLAHENY STAR1.003.752.75196.45
14/12/20199.32 MonmoreAVASTORM1.503.253.38199.82
17/12/20195.39 SunderlandWITTON TORNADO1.502.75-1.50198.32
18/12/20193.11 HoveHOMESTEAD SPICE1.502.00-1.50196.82
18/12/20194.19 MonmoreSPORTING MACIE1.002.75-1.00195.82

Review Summary

RM Greyhound Tips review got off to a great start in our review with a profit of just over 30 points banked in the first month. They continued to perform well for the rest of the trial, achieving three out of three winning months.

In total, we finished with a profit of 45.82 points at an ROI of 25.9%.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets122122
Total Stakes (pts)177177
Profit/Loss (pts)76.2345.82
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)£762.30£458.20
Strike Rate43.4%43.4%
Overall Bank Growth50.8%30.5%
Bank (150pt starting)226.23195.82

With each email sent out there was the usual information included, such as advised stakes and odds, but there was also a write-up with every tip. We certainly got the impression that the tipster was clued up on greyhound racing and we felt confident backing the selections.

The only downside that we encountered with this service was that we had a lot of trouble finding the advised odds. The vast majority of bets were recorded at odds much lower than the ones advised.

This made quite a difference in the profit we were able to make versus the tipster's own reported profit. It worked out as 30.4 points less profit overall and a 30.5% bank increase versus 50.8%.

However, the profit that we did make was still more than acceptable. We certainly wouldn't turn our nose up at an ROI of 25.9%! Also if we had included Best Odds Guaranteed in our totals, there would have been an extra boost to our profit.

We rate RM Greyhound Tips as one of the best greyhound tipsters in the industry and have awarded a "pass" rating.

Review Stats+45.82pts profit, 25.9% ROI, 43.4% SR
Stakes Advised between 1-2 points
Starting bank 150 points
Average no. betsApprox. 40 per month
Time of emailsVaries but usually late morning/early afternoon
Price£2.99 for 28 days then £34.99 per month, £87.50 per quarter or £279.99 per year

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    Laura Turner

    About Laura

    I have been running the 'Betting System Review' part of Goal Profits since 2015. I carry out fully independent reviews of betting and trading systems, tracking results and giving my honest feedback.

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