US Racing Expert Review: Horse Tipping Service

Written by Laura Greve

US Racing Expert Review

It took US Racing Expert just three months to double his betting bank during his proofing period with Betting Gods.

The team reported a total profit of 104.95 points at an ROI of 11.3%, with all results based on the SP odds. This worked out as an average monthly profit of £95.42 to £10 stakes.

James, the man behind US Racing Expert, started out at Betting Gods as there US Racing blogger where he gained a loyal following.

After claiming some huge wins, including the Kentucky Derby, he received many requests from readers to start a tipping service. After a lengthy 28 week vetting, he was finally accepted to the team. 

The great thing is, it's unlikely you will be restricted at the bookies with this service and even if you are, you can still use a betting exchange such as Betfair or Smarkets.

Selections are sent out at least 8 hours before the races, usually around 7.00-9.00am BST, and there is on average around 70 bets per month.

We followed the service over a period of five months and managed to double our betting bank with 100.26 points profit at an ROI of 17.1%. We're delighted to be able to recommend US Racing Expert as a top class horse racing tipster.

Review Stats+100.26pts profit, 17.1% ROI, 20% SR
StakesAdvised 1-2 point stakes
Starting bank 100 points
Average no. betsApprox. 100 per month
Time of emailsMorning 7.00-9.00am
Price£0.99 for 10 days then £27 per month

Month One Update

It was a cracking start to our US Racing Expert review, despite being a bit of a rollercoaster. We finished the first month with a profit of 29.85 points at an ROI of 27.9%.

It had been turbulent at the beginning with an 18.5 point drawdown but the service recovered from this in style. Highlight of the month was three wins on the bounce on the 3rd May, banking a whopping 35.95 points in one day.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets9191
Total Stakes (pts)107.0107.0
Profit/Loss (pts)28.9329.85
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)£289.30£298.50
Strike Rate19.8%19.8%
Overall Bank Growth28.9%29.9%
Bank (100pt starting)128.93129.85


DateRaceSelectionTotal StakeEW?Available OddsP/LBank
08/04/2020Race 2 Tampa Bay DownsJost Dreamy1.00No7.50-1.0099.00
08/04/2020Race 3 Tampa Bay DownsTipsy Again1.00No5.004.00103.00
08/04/2020Race 5 Tampa Bay DownsGoneasagirlcanget2.00No2.252.50105.50
08/04/2020Race 8 Tampa Bay DownsScreen Image1.00No21.00-1.00104.50
09/04/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkHonor This1.00Yes51.00-1.00103.50
09/04/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkInconveyance1.00Yes34.00-1.00102.50
09/04/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkEmbrace My Uncle1.00No4.00-1.00101.50
09/04/2020Race 10 Gulfstream ParkNo More Stories1.00Yes34.00-1.00100.50
10/04/2020Race 1 Tampa Bay DownsDrive In4.00No3.25-4.0096.50
10/04/2020Race 2 Tampa Bay DownsFinally2.00No3.25-2.0094.50
10/04/2020Race 4 Tampa Bay DownsHonesta2.00No3.50-2.0092.50
11/04/2020Race 4 Tampa Bay DownsPoznan1.00No2.75-1.0091.50
11/04/2020Race 5 Tampa Bay DownsEmpty Holster1.00No6.00-1.0090.50
11/04/2020Race 9 Tampa Bay DownsUS Army Corps2.00No4.00-2.0088.50
12/04/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkGrimpante1.00No3.50-1.0087.50
12/04/2020Race 3 Gulfstream ParkVictory Town2.00No2.50-2.0085.50
12/04/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkSnicket1.00Yes13.00-1.0084.50
12/04/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkPrairie Wings1.00No4.33-1.0083.50
12/04/2020Race 8 Gulfstream ParkSir Chubby1.00No5.50-1.0082.50
15/04/2020Race 1 Tampa Bay DownsUndercover Outlaw1.00Yes26.002.0084.50
15/04/2020Race 2 Tampa Bay DownsKÂ’s Funhouse1.00Yes26.00-1.0083.50
15/04/2020Race 4 Tampa Bay DownsMilburn1.00No3.002.0085.50
15/04/2020Race 5 Tampa Bay DownsPuerto Varas2.00Yes17.00-2.0083.50
15/04/2020Race 8 Tampa Bay DownsMy Little Rosy1.00No6.50-1.0082.50
16/04/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkAwesome View1.00No6.00-1.0081.50
16/04/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkChic And Sexy1.00Yes41.003.5085.00
16/04/2020Race 7 Gulfstream ParkChinomado1.00Yes21.00-1.0084.00
16/04/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkCajun Brother1.00Yes11.006.0090.00
16/04/2020Race 11 Gulfstream ParkPass The Gravy1.00No8.00-1.0089.00
17/04/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkJust Right Mike1.00No8.00-1.0088.00
17/04/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkChouchou De Boo1.00No7.00-1.0087.00
18/04/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkTruly1.00No5.00-1.0086.00
18/04/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkMarkistan1.00No3.75-1.0085.00
18/04/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkTio Wil1.00No41.00-1.0084.00
18/04/2020Race 11 Gulfstream ParkMiss Auramet1.00No5.004.0088.00
18/04/2020Race 12 Gulfstream ParkMohanna Queen1.00No5.50-1.0087.00
19/04/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkTrevess1.00No13.0012.0099.00
19/04/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkAngelic Knugget1.00No67.00-1.0098.00
19/04/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkRearrange1.00No8.00-1.0097.00
19/04/2020Race 11 Gulfstream ParkFollow The Flag1.00No13.0012.00109.00
22/04/2020Race 4 Tampa Bay DownsLouieÂ’s Backyard1.00No41.00-1.00108.00
22/04/2020Race 5 Tampa Bay DownsTop Seed2.00No2.883.76111.76
22/04/2020Race 7 Tampa Bay DownsFive Star Colonel1.00No51.00-1.00110.76
22/04/2020Race 8 Tampa Bay DownsDisco Deano1.00No34.00-1.00109.76
23/04/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkCrespucula1.00No41.00-1.00108.76
23/04/2020Race 3 Gulfstream ParkPrincess Avril1.00No9.00-1.00107.76
23/04/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkVadolobo1.00No3.00-1.00106.76
23/04/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkKrampus1.00No34.00-1.00105.76
24/04/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkGran Champagne1.00No7.50-1.00104.76
24/04/2020Race 3 Gulfstream ParkGran Etiquita1.00No17.00-1.00103.76
24/04/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkBorrowed Angel1.00No8.00-1.00102.76
24/04/2020Race 7 Gulfstream ParkJersey Joe B1.00No8.00-1.00101.76
24/04/2020Race 10 Gulfstream ParkKobe Fifty Two1.00No8.503.38105.14
25/04/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkMakinalegacy1.00No34.00-1.00104.14
25/04/2020Race 3 Gulfstream ParkOminus1.00No11.00-1.00103.14
25/04/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkBasquiat2.00No2.382.76105.90
25/04/2020Race 12 Gulfstream ParkHonor This1.00No17.00-1.00104.90
26/04/2020Race 2 (18:24) Gulfstream ParkQueenÂ’s Mason2.00No6.50-2.00102.90
26/04/2020Race 5 (19:45) Tampa Bay DownsAll Good Times1.00No6.50-1.00101.90
26/04/2020Race 6 (20:23) Gulfstream ParkAzrael2.00No4.00-2.0099.90
26/04/2020Race 8 (21:25) Gulfstream ParkYouÂ’re the Best1.00No21.00-1.0098.90
29/04/2020Race 1 Tampa Bay DownsTale Of A Song1.00No9.008.00106.90
29/04/2020Race 2 Tampa Bay DownsBurning Bright1.00No9.00-1.00105.90
29/04/2020Race 3 Tampa Bay DownsSteelin Magnolias1.00No17.00-1.00104.90
29/04/2020Race 5 Tampa Bay DownsAssiduously2.00No8.00-2.00102.90
30/04/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkInertia1.00No8.00-1.00101.90
30/04/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkWinning Factor2.00No3.00-2.0099.90
30/04/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkCoin The Phrase1.00No5.00-1.0098.90
01/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkCatching Fish1.00No12.00-1.0097.90
01/05/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkPump Room1.00No26.00-1.0096.90
01/05/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkBolt1.00No21.00-1.0095.90
01/05/2020Race 7 Gulfstream ParkStill Schemin1.00No9.00-1.0094.90
01/05/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkCongrats This1.00No9.008.00102.90
02/05/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkIrked1.00No21.00-1.00101.90
02/05/2020Race 3 Gulfstream ParkCornbread Kingdom1.00No26.00-1.00100.90
02/05/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkHighland Glory1.00No5.00-1.0099.90
02/05/2020Race 11 Gulfstream ParkDon Juan Kitten1.00No26.00-1.0098.90
03/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkHeÂ’s Smokin Hot1.00No41.00-1.0097.90
03/05/2020Race 3 Gulfstream ParkAransas1.00No13.0012.00109.90
03/05/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkCongrats That1.00No6.504.95114.85
03/05/2020Race 7 Gulfstream ParkDance DÂ’oro1.00No21.0020.00134.85
06/05/2020Race 3 Tampa Bay DownsWheelbarrelbrothrs1.00No34.00-1.00133.85
06/05/2020Race 5 Tampa Bay DownsFashionÂ’s Star2.00No4.00-2.00131.85
06/05/2020Race 6 Tampa Bay DownsCircle Away1.00No6.005.00136.85
06/05/2020Race 7 Tampa Bay DownsCalifornia Sun1.00No10.00-1.00135.85
06/05/2020Race 8 Tampa Bay DownsBig Dreaming1.00No15.00-1.00134.85
07/05/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkWonder Charm1.00No34.00-1.00133.85
07/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkLyrical1.00No10.00-1.00132.85
07/05/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkOminous1.00No34.00-1.00131.85
07/05/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkChampagne Horizon1.00No11.00-1.00130.85
07/05/2020Race 11 Gulfstream ParkCall Bros1.00No10.00-1.00129.85

Month Two Update

It was another fantastic month for our US Racing Expert review with a further 73.4 points profit added to the pot. This meant that we had now doubled our starting bank of 100 points at the available odds!

The service managed to hit two winners at 33/1 and another at 20/1 shortly after.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets114114
Total Stakes (pts)133.0133.0
Profit/Loss (pts)67.3273.4
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)£673.20£734.00
Strike Rate21.1%21.1%
Overall Bank Growth96.3%103.3%
Bank (100pt starting)196.25203.25


DateRaceSelectionTotal StakeEW?Available OddsP/LBank
08/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkBailey1.00No15.00-1.00128.85
08/05/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkG Q Coverup1.00No17.00-1.00127.85
08/05/2020Race 8 Gulfstream ParkRhythm Section2.00No4.00-2.00125.85
08/05/2020Race 11 Gulfstream ParkMiss Flying Sun1.00No10.00-1.00124.85
09/05/2020Race 1 Tampa Bay DownsBetweenhereandcool2.00No2.62-2.00122.85
09/05/2020Race 2 Tampa Bay DownsTiz Approved2.00No2.503.00125.85
09/05/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkBarbieÂ’s King1.00No13.0012.00137.85
09/05/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkPoseidonÂ’s Princess1.00No4.503.50141.35
09/05/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkHalladay1.00No5.004.00145.35
10/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkW W Candy1.00No4.50-1.00144.35
10/05/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkConsilium1.00No9.50-1.00143.35
10/05/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkIÂ’m That Bird1.00No4.50-1.00142.35
10/05/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkSmooth As Glass1.00No21.00-1.00141.35
13/05/2020Race 2 Tampa Bay DownsFeisty Chi Chi1.00No4.33-1.00140.35
13/05/2020Race 4 Tampa Bay DownsFalkirk1.00No4.50-1.00139.35
13/05/2020Race 6 Tampa Bay DownsExclusive Donald1.00No6.503.85143.20
13/05/2020Race 9 Tampa Bay DownsStuck Up1.00No51.00-1.00142.20
14/05/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkFunny Feather1.00No11.00-1.00141.20
14/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkActing Lucky1.00No5.50-1.00140.20
14/05/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkTigerÂ’s Back2.00No2.50-2.00138.20
14/05/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkStarship Mallomar1.00No51.00-1.00137.20
15/05/2020Race 2 Tampa Bay DownsBrycens Gold1.00No15.0014.00151.20
15/05/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkTons Of Gold1.00No7.503.25154.45
15/05/2020Race 10 Gulfstream ParkCheermeister1.00No5.00-1.00153.45
16/05/2020Race 1 Churchill DownsJÂ’s Warrior1.00No13.00-1.00152.45
16/05/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkFeatherÂ’s Secret1.00No21.00-1.00151.45
16/05/2020Race 4 Churchill DownsMonomoy Girl2.00No1.571.14152.59
16/05/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsSay Moi3.00No2.624.86157.45
17/05/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkIÂ’m Prayingforthat1.00No5.00-1.00156.45
17/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkO Driscoll1.00No4.50-1.00155.45
17/05/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkSpinoff1.00No2.88-1.00154.45
17/05/2020Race 10 Gulfstream ParkZarina1.00No12.00-1.00153.45
20/05/2020Race 4 Tampa Bay DownsPanthalassa1.00No8.00-1.00152.45
20/05/2020Race 5 Tampa Bay DownsAwesome Romeo1.00No9.00-1.00151.45
20/05/2020Race 6 Tampa Bay DownsLast Promise1.00No4.00-1.00150.45
20/05/2020Race 7 Tampa Bay DownsFlatout Screaming1.00No17.00-1.00149.45
20/05/2020Race 9 Tampa Bay DownsMoro Drama1.00No9.00-1.00148.45
21/05/2020Race 1 Churchill DownsMad Maddy1.00No3.75-1.00147.45
21/05/2020Race 3 Churchill DownsBeauty Day1.00No11.0010.00157.45
21/05/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkInto Fancy1.00No21.00-1.00156.45
21/05/2020Race 10 Churchill DownsBless Em1.00No19.00-1.00155.45
22/05/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkTaamer1.00No17.00-1.00154.45
22/05/2020Race 2 Churchill DownsOro de Tejano1.00No3.50-1.00153.45
22/05/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkCool Hand Coup1.00No15.00-1.00152.45
22/05/2020Race 8 Churchill DownsCenter Aisle4.00No2.25-4.00148.45
22/05/2020Race 9 Churchill DownsEnglish Affair1.00No15.00-1.00147.45
22/05/2020Race 10 Churchill DownsKay Bee Gee1.00No9.00-1.00146.45
23/05/2020Race 1 Churchill DownsNo Bad Days1.00No9.00-1.00145.45
23/05/2020Race 3 Churchill DownsBelfast Boy1.00No10.00-1.00144.45
23/05/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsSheÂ’s A Julie2.00No4.00-2.00142.45
23/05/2020Race 8 Churchill DownsPass The Plate1.00No19.00-1.00141.45
23/05/2020Race 10 Churchill DownsMaxfield2.00No1.731.46142.91
24/05/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkCourage1.00No6.00-1.00141.91
24/05/2020Race 4 Churchill DownsSpanish Peaks1.00No5.00-1.00140.91
24/05/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkDictator1.00No21.00-1.00139.91
24/05/2020Race 7 Gulfstream ParkCongrats This1.00No9.00-1.00138.91
24/05/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsEstablished2.00No6.50-2.00136.91
25/05/2020Race 3 Churchill DownsDo Share1.00No6.50-1.00135.91
25/05/2020Race 4 Churchill DownsTidal Effect1.00No17.00-1.00134.91
25/05/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsWild Love2.00No21.00-2.00132.91
25/05/2020Race 8 Churchill DownsDigital1.00No13.00-1.00131.91
25/05/2020Race 9 Churchill DownsMorocco1.00No0.00131.91
27/05/2020Race 1 Tampa Bay DownsShe Broke My Heart1.00No15.00-1.00130.91
27/05/2020Race 3 Tampa Bay DownsDizzy Sight1.00No8.00-1.00129.91
27/05/2020Race 9 Tampa Bay DownsCompleted1.00No5.00-1.00128.91
28/05/2020Race 2 Churchill DownsBlue Grass Anna1.00No9.00-1.00127.91
28/05/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkIÂ’m A Rockstar1.00No34.0023.10151.01
28/05/2020Race 4 Churchill DownsFast Recovery1.00No15.00-1.00150.01
28/05/2020Race 8 Churchill DownsUnshaken1.00No15.00-1.00149.01
28/05/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkDancingwithjimmieb1.00No5.503.24152.25
28/05/2020Race 10 Churchill DownsQuarterback Dak1.00No3.10155.35
29/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkDarla1.00No8.007.00162.35
29/05/2020Race 6 Churchill DownsEnvoutante1.00No4.003.00165.35
29/05/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsHog Creek Hustle1.00No0.00165.35
29/05/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkTrevess1.00No13.00-1.00164.35
30/05/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkScanno1.00No7.50-1.00163.35
30/05/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkTrick Shot1.00No4.50-1.00162.35
30/05/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkStarship Mallomar1.00No17.00-1.00161.35
30/05/2020Race 10 Gulfstream ParkExpress Pharoah1.00No17.00-1.00160.35
30/05/2020Race 11 Gulfstream ParkAtakan1.00No34.0028.05188.40
30/05/2020Race 6 Churchill DownsTiesto1.00No3.50-1.00187.40
30/05/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsBellÂ’s The One1.00No21.0020.00207.40
31/05/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkTapizar King1.00No2.75-1.00206.40
31/05/2020Race 5 Churchill DownsNew Hope Road1.00No6.00-1.00205.40
31/05/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkCenterfoldprospect1.00No9.50-1.00204.40
31/05/2020Race 10 Churchill DownsReigning Spirit1.00No9.00-1.00203.40
31/05/2020Race 11 Gulfstream ParkTwirling Wind1.00No13.00-1.00202.40
03/06/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkMozano1.00No13.00-1.00201.40
03/06/2020Race 8 Gulfstream ParkLudington1.00No15.00-1.00200.40
03/06/2020Race 10 Gulfstream ParkMithra1.00No13.00-1.00199.40
04/06/2020Race 3 Churchill DownsFlashy Biz1.00No4.503.50202.90
04/06/2020Race 6 Belmont ParkFrenchie Frou Frou1.00No23.00-1.00201.90
04/06/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsLabeq1.00No-1.00200.90
04/06/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkMind Your Own Biz1.00No34.00-1.00199.90
04/06/2020Race 8 Churchill DownsGuarana4.00No1.401.60201.50
04/06/2020Race 9 Churchill DownsDreamonmebaby1.00No0.00201.50
05/06/2020Race 2 Churchill DownsStellar Stiletto1.00No26.00-1.00200.50
05/06/2020Race 2 Belmont ParkWood Bee1.00No51.00-1.00199.50
05/06/2020Race 4 Churchill DownsRustler1.00No10.00-1.00198.50
05/06/2020Race 5 Belmont ParkLoaded Joe1.00No26.00-1.00197.50
05/06/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkAmos1.00No26.00-1.00196.50
06/06/2020Race 5 Churchill DownsLoan Shark1.00No11.00-1.00195.50
06/06/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsSkinny Dip2.00No5.50-2.00193.50
06/06/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkJovia1.00No26.00-1.00192.50
06/06/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkDream Marie1.00No9.00-1.00191.50
06/06/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkNewspaperofrecord2.00No4.006.00197.50
06/06/2020Race 9 Churchill DownsHigh Crime1.00No6.005.00202.50
06/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkMind Control1.00No5.50-1.00201.50
07/06/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkParty In The Sand1.00No8.50-1.00200.50
07/06/2020Race 2 Belmont ParkDomestic Spending1.00No3.752.75203.25
07/06/2020Race 3 Belmont ParkMiss Loyalty1.00No12.00-1.00202.25
07/06/2020Race 5 Belmont ParkEmcee Prime1.00No101.00-1.00201.25
07/06/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkGraded On A Curve1.00No4.003.00204.25
07/06/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkOsage Treaty1.00No11.00-1.00203.25

Update Three Results

After a great run of results during the first two months of our US Racing Expert review, month three ended with a disappointing 39.77 points loss. The good news was we had still grown our betting bank by 63.5% overall, so we were in a very good position regardless of the losing month.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets9292
Total Stakes (pts)106.00106.00
Profit/Loss (pts)-39.77-39.77
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)-£397.70-£397.70
Strike Rate13.0%13.0%
Overall Bank Growth56.5%63.5%
Bank (100pt starting)156.48163.48


DateRaceSelectionTotal StakeEW?Available OddsP/LBank
10/06/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkRank And File1.00No7.50-1.00202.25
10/06/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkAyacapote2.00No3.75-2.00200.25
10/06/2020Race 6 Gulfstream ParkJungle Warrior1.00No17.00-1.00199.25
10/06/2020Race 7 Gulfstream ParkGesture1.00No9.00-1.00198.25
10/06/2020Race 8 Gulfstream ParkThe Great Kath1.00No9.00-1.00197.25
11/06/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkYankee Empire1.00No11.00-1.00196.25
11/06/2020Race 4 Belmont ParkUncle Moonlight1.00No11.00-1.00195.25
11/06/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkMilitiaman1.00No21.00-1.00194.25
11/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkYouÂ’re To Blame1.00No11.00-1.00193.25
11/06/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkMopolka1.00No7.00-1.00192.25
12/06/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkRiver Tiber2.00No3.00-2.00190.25
12/06/2020Race 10 Gulfstream ParkFuddled2.00No2.63-2.00188.25
12/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkFunny Guy1.00No19.0018.00206.25
12/06/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkStare Decisis1.00No5.50-1.00205.25
13/06/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkNo Sense1.00No11.00-1.00204.25
13/06/2020Race 4 Belmont ParkDisciplinarian1.00No4.50-1.00203.25
13/06/2020Race 5 Belmont ParkTwisted Tom1.00No5.50-1.00202.25
13/06/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkDovima1.00No7.00-1.00201.25
13/06/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkBustin Scones1.00No26.00-1.00200.25
14/06/2020Race 3 Belmont ParkLinny Kate2.00No2.75-2.00198.25
14/06/2020Race 4 Belmont ParkFleet Stepper1.00No6.50-1.00197.25
14/06/2020Race 5 Belmont ParkBarbara P1.00No34.00-1.00196.25
14/06/2020Race 6 Belmont ParkSpirit Animal1.00No3.252.25198.50
14/06/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkScuttlebuzz1.00No4.00-1.00197.50
17/06/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkDa Doop1.00No41.00-1.00196.50
17/06/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkIndimaaj1.00No4.33-1.00195.50
18/06/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkThankful1.00No6.00-1.00194.50
18/06/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkProven Reserves1.00No4.33-1.00193.50
18/06/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkAmos1.00No17.00-1.00192.50
18/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkMrs. Orb1.00No15.00-1.00191.50
18/06/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkDevilÂ’s Rendezvous1.00No4.00-1.00190.50
19/06/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkThin White Duke1.00No11.00-1.00189.50
19/06/2020Race 3 Churchill DownsJackieÂ’s Warrior2.00No4.006.00195.50
19/06/2020Race 5 Belmont ParkAlways Alright1.00No7.50-1.00194.50
19/06/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkSummer Bourbon1.00No5.50-1.00193.50
19/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkGuildsman1.00No4.50-1.00192.50
19/06/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkLucky Latkes1.00No7.00-1.00191.50
20/06/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkTraffic Pattern1.00No4.003.00194.50
20/06/2020Race 2 Belmont ParkShoplifted1.00No15.00-1.00193.50
20/06/2020Race 4 Belmont ParkDecorated Invader1.00No1.830.83194.33
20/06/2020Race 5 Belmont ParkOÂ’Trouble1.00No4.50-1.00193.33
20/06/2020Race 6 Belmont ParkSpeaktomeofsummer1.00No9.00-1.00192.33
20/06/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkSpeightstown Gal1.00No6.002.76195.09
20/06/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkCasual1.00No3.75-1.00194.09
20/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkPure Sensation1.00No3.75-1.00193.09
20/06/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkPneumatic1.00No17.00-1.00192.09
21/06/2020Race 2 Belmont ParkBerhanu1.00No26.00-1.00191.09
21/06/2020Race 6 Belmont ParkChecksandbalances2.00No3.75-2.00189.09
21/06/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkNotorious R B G1.00No10.00-1.00188.09
24/06/2020Race 1 Gulfstream ParkWordman1.00No5.50-1.00187.09
24/06/2020Race 2 Gulfstream ParkTop Boss1.00No12.00-1.00186.09
24/06/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkBaseline Drive1.00No2.37-1.00185.09
24/06/2020Race 9 Gulfstream ParkSugar Bolt1.00No2.62-1.00184.09
25/06/2020Race 3 Belmont ParkCarnegie Song1.00No51.00-1.00183.09
25/06/2020Race 4 Belmont ParkAbiding Star1.00No6.00-1.00182.09
25/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkMonificent1.00No15.00-1.00181.09
26/06/2020Race 2 Belmont ParkCobble Hill2.00No2.002.00183.09
26/06/2020Race 3 Belmont ParkKid Bourbon1.00No11.00-1.00182.09
26/06/2020Race 6 Belmont ParkNo Salt1.00No6.00-1.00181.09
26/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkOur Lady Of Winloc1.00No34.00-1.00180.09
27/06/2020Race 5 Churchill DownsTonaltalitarian1.00No8.00-1.00179.09
27/06/2020Race 5 Belmont ParkStash My Money2.00No19.00-2.00177.09
27/06/2020Race 8 Churchill DownsCazadero2.00No1.901.80178.89
27/06/2020Race 9 Churchill DownsMidnight Bisou2.00No1.671.34180.23
27/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkStan the Man1.00No19.00-1.00179.23
27/06/2020Race 10 Churchill DownsFearless1.00No13.00-1.00178.23
27/06/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkUni2.00No2.50-2.00176.23
27/06/2020Race 11 Churchill DownsPass The Plate1.00No5.50-1.00175.23
27/06/2020Race 11 Belmont ParkMontauk Summer1.00No5.50-1.00174.23
28/06/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkTrue Grace1.00No2.75-1.00173.23
28/06/2020Race 5 Belmont ParkArmament1.00No7.00-1.00172.23
28/06/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkRisky Mischief1.00No5.00-1.00171.23
28/06/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkTwo Cent Tootsie1.00No6.50-1.00170.23
01/07/2020Race 4 Gulfstream ParkDa Moose Is Loose1.00No4.33-1.00169.23
01/07/2020Race 5 Gulfstream ParkSandyÂ’s Blaze1.00No3.252.25171.48
01/07/2020Race 7 Gulfstream ParkAmelia Madelyn2.00No7.00-2.00169.48
02/07/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkSharp Starr2.00No2.753.50172.98
02/07/2020Race 2 Belmont ParkHonorable Hero1.00No8.00-1.00171.98
02/07/2020Race 3 Belmont ParkPacific Jazz1.00No11.00-1.00170.98
02/07/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkMizzen The Mark1.00No9.50-1.00169.98
03/07/2020Race 1 Belmont ParkWinfromwithin1.00No2.62-1.00168.98
03/07/2020Race 4 Belmont ParkDancingwithdaffodils1.00No9.00-1.00167.98
03/07/2020Race 7 Belmont ParkTuck In1.00No17.00-1.00166.98
03/07/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkFivestar Bandit1.00No19.00-1.00165.98
04/07/2020Race 2 Belmont ParkBallagh Rocks1.00No3.75-1.00164.98
04/07/2020Race 4 Belmont ParkGreat Camanoe1.00No15.00-1.00163.98
04/07/2020Race 8 Belmont ParkValue Proposition2.00No3.50-2.00161.98
04/07/2020Race 9 Belmont ParkCode of Honor1.00No4.33-1.00160.98
05/07/2020Race 2 Belmont ParkRisk Model1.00No3.75-1.00159.98
05/07/2020Race 3 Belmont ParkFed Funds1.00No6.505.50165.48
05/07/2020Race 4 Belmont ParkCatorat1.00No9.00-1.00164.48
05/07/2020Race 10 Belmont ParkMore Like It1.00No6.00-1.00163.48

Update Four Results

It was another losing month for US Racing Expert with 13.65 points lost from 97 bets. Overall, our bank was still up by 49.8% so we were in a good position.

We decided to continue our review to see if results improved.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets9797
Total Stakes (pts)119.0119.0
Profit/Loss (pts)-13.91-13.65
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)(£139.10)(£136.50)
Strike Rate18.6%18.6%
Overall Bank Growth42.6%49.8%
Bank (100pt starting)142.57149.83


DateRaceSelectionTotal StakeEW?Available OddsP/LBank
08/07/2020Race 1 KeenelandAmerican Humor1.00No6.50-1.00162.48
08/07/2020Race 4 KeenelandForty Zip1.00No5.50-1.00161.48
08/07/2020Race 5 KeenelandSilver Quarters1.00No12.00-1.00160.48
08/07/2020Race 6 KeenelandGreyes Creek2.00No3.755.50165.98
08/07/2020Race 7 KeenelandFra Mauro1.00No5.50-1.00164.98
09/07/2020Race 2 KeenelandMalibu Marlee1.00No4.50-1.00163.98
09/07/2020Race 4 KeenelandUrbanite1.00No6.00-1.00162.98
09/07/2020Race 5 KeenelandFirst Course1.00No6.50-1.00161.98
09/07/2020Race 6 KeenelandSpeightful Charge1.00No17.00-1.00160.98
10/07/2020Race 1 KeenelandMy Man Flintstone2.00No2.50-2.00158.98
10/07/2020Race 3 KeenelandGozilla3.00No1.90-3.00155.98
10/07/2020Race 4 KeenelandGolden Voice1.00No9.50-1.00154.98
10/07/2020Race 6 KeenelandComplexifier1.00No4.10-1.00153.98
10/07/2020Race 9 KeenelandDive Deep1.00No3.20-1.00152.98
11/07/2020Race 2 KeenelandSnake Doctor1.00No11.00-1.00151.98
11/07/2020Race 3 KeenelandShe Can’t Sing1.00No12.00-1.00150.98
11/07/2020Race 5 KeenelandBell’s The One1.00No9.00-1.00149.98
11/07/2020Race 8 KeenelandJuliet Foxtrot1.00No8.00-1.00148.98
11/07/2020Race 9 KeenelandArt Collector1.00No5.504.50153.48
12/07/2020Race 1 KeenelandFaded Rose1.00No3.50-1.00152.48
12/07/2020Race 2 KeenelandSugar Love1.00No5.00-1.00151.48
12/07/2020Race 4 KeenelandCurls And Bows2.00No3.254.50155.98
12/07/2020Race 6 KeenelandHeavenly Sis1.00No3.25-1.00154.98
15/07/2020Race 3 Delaware ParkFrancatelli1.00No4.00-1.00153.98
15/07/2020Race 6 Delaware ParkMiami Mumbles1.00No2.63-1.00152.98
15/07/2020Race 7 Delaware ParkAwesome DJ1.00No15.0014.00166.98
16/07/2020Race 2 SaratogaLeading West1.00No3.75-1.00165.98
16/07/2020Race 9 SaratogaMo Hawk1.00No41.00-1.00164.98
16/07/2020Race 10 SaratogaTradeable1.00No19.00-1.00163.98
17/07/2020Race 2 SaratogaLorenzen1.00No13.00-1.00162.98
17/07/2020Race 6 SaratogaCoach Villa1.00No12.00-1.00161.98
17/07/2020Race 9 SaratogaPlease Flatter Me1.00No13.00-1.00160.98
18/07/2020Race 1 SaratogaHolland1.00No7.50-1.00159.98
18/07/2020Race 5 SaratogaConglomerate1.00No3.25-1.00158.98
18/07/2020Race 6 SaratogaRip It1.00No7.00-1.00157.98
18/07/2020Race 10 Monmouth ParkJoveia1.00No23.00-1.00156.98
18/07/2020Race 11 Monmouth ParkCorelli1.00No19.00-1.00155.98
18/07/2020Race 12 Monmouth ParkDr. Post1.00No2.75-1.00154.98
18/07/2020Race 11 SaratogaAmerican Piper1.00No9.50-1.00153.98
19/07/2020Race 1 SaratogaPower Up Paynter1.00No5.50-1.00152.98
19/07/2020Race 6 SaratogaNoble Thought1.00No15.00-1.00151.98
19/07/2020Race 8 SaratogaLight In The Sky2.00No2.88-2.00149.98
22/07/2020Race 1 SaratogaSnap Decision1.00No1.670.67150.65
22/07/2020Race 3 SaratogaCross Border2.00No1.360.72151.37
22/07/2020Race 4 SaratogaLost In Rome1.00No9.00-1.00150.37
22/07/2020Race 5 SaratogaMaxwell Esquire1.00No2.201.20151.57
22/07/2020Race 7 SaratogaMadison Parc1.00No4.50-1.00150.57
23/07/2020Race 2 SaratogaCarthon1.00No5.00-1.00149.57
23/07/2020Race 3 SaratogaLost Lake1.00No7.00-1.00148.57
23/07/2020Race 10 SaratogaNo Lime1.00No7.00-1.00147.57
24/07/2020Race 1 SaratogaAssume / Hands Up RF2.00No3.64151.21
24/07/2020Race 2 SaratogaKinky Sox2.00No2.623.24154.45
24/07/2020Race 6 SaratogaCoilean Bawn1.00No9.00-1.00153.45
24/07/2020Race 8 SaratogaChateau1.00No9.00-1.00152.45
24/07/2020Race 9 SaratogaFore Left1.00No8.50-1.00151.45
24/07/2020Race 10 SaratogaMy Primo1.00No12.00-1.00150.45
25/07/2020Race 3 SaratogaSistercharlie3.00No1.36-3.00147.45
25/07/2020Race 7 SaratogaLonesome Fugitive2.00No3.50-2.00145.45
25/07/2020Race 10 SaratogaVolatile2.00No1.661.32146.77
25/07/2020Race 11 SaratogaGo Zappem1.00No8.00-1.00145.77
26/07/2020Race 1 SaratogaSilver Token1.00NoSP-1.00144.77
26/07/2020Race 3 SaratogaShootin the Breeze1.00NoSP-1.00143.77
26/07/2020Race 8 SaratogaBeau Luminaire1.00NoSP-1.00142.77
26/07/2020Race 9 SaratogaGood Governance2.00NoSP-2.00140.77
29/07/2020Race 6 SaratogaThebigfundamental1.00NoSP-1.00139.77
29/07/2020Race 7 SaratogaMick’s Star1.00NoSP-1.00138.77
29/07/2020Race 9 SaratogaBreaking The Rules2.00NoSP6.70145.47
29/07/2020Race 10 SaratogaSpectacularSunrise1.00NoSP-1.00144.47
30/07/2020Race 1 SaratogaLookin Dynamic1.00No12.00-1.00143.47
30/07/2020Race 5 SaratogaYankee Division1.00No29.00-1.00142.47
30/07/2020Race 9 SaratogaAmundson1.00No3.00-1.00141.47
31/07/2020Race 1 SaratogaDoYouKnowWhoIAm1.00No9.00-1.00140.47
31/07/2020Race 5 SaratogaSandra’s Mine1.00No5.50-1.00139.47
31/07/2020Race 8 SaratogaBustin Scones1.00No7.50-1.00138.47
31/07/2020Race 9 SaratogaShe’s My Type2.00No3.755.50143.97
01/08/2020Race 1 SaratogaWinfromwithin2.00No4.33-2.00141.97
01/08/2020Race 4 SaratogaObsessed1.00No9.00-1.00140.97
01/08/2020Race 5 SaratogaMidnight Bisou1.00No1.36-1.00139.97
01/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaShawdyShawdyShawdy1.00No7.506.50146.47
01/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaTom’s d’Etat1.00No2.20-1.00145.47
01/08/2020Race 10 SaratogaTap It To Win1.00No7.00-1.00144.47
01/08/2020Race 12 SaratogaJakarta1.00No13.00-1.00143.47
02/08/2020Race 4 SaratogaKilmarknock1.00No3.752.75146.22
02/08/2020Race 5 SaratogaCoral Legacy1.00No51.00-1.00145.22
02/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaFort Worth2.00No2.753.50148.72
02/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaAmerican Tattoo1.00No10.00-1.00147.72
05/08/2020Race 4 SaratogaNonna Madeline2.00No3.254.50152.22
05/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaBlack Magic Woman2.00No2.37-2.00150.22
05/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaEspresso Shot1.00No17.00-1.00149.22
06/08/2020Race 2 SaratogaWicked Amber1.00No13.00-1.00148.22
06/08/2020Race 6 SaratogaHeartstrings1.00No12.00-1.00147.22
06/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaTurbo Drive1.00No8.50-1.00146.22
06/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaElusive Ruler2.00No2.00-2.00144.22
07/08/2020Race 1 SaratogaKlickitat1.00No1.610.61144.83
07/08/2020Race 2 SaratogaSeven Seven1.00No9.00-1.00143.83
07/08/2020Race 6 SaratogaTappingintosuccess1.00No12.00-1.00142.83
07/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaGiacosa2.00No4.507.00149.83

Update Five Results

US Racing Expert got results swiftly back on track in month five of our review, banking a whopping 50.43 points profit. Bets were mostly for Saratoga races, but the tipster also covered the Kentucky Derby, which also turned out to be profitable.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets9797
Total Stakes (pts)121.0121.0
Profit/Loss (pts)49.1250.43
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)£491.20£504.30
Strike Rate26.8%26.8%
Overall Bank Growth91.7%100.3%
Bank (100pt starting)191.69200.26


DateRaceSelectionTotal StakeEW?Available OddsP/LBank
08/08/2020Race 3 SaratogaRisky Mischief1.00No3.752.75152.58
08/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaPink Sands2.00No10.00-2.00150.58
08/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaAmerican Sailor1.00No17.0016.00166.58
08/08/2020Race 11 SaratogaUncle Chuck1.00No3.50-1.00165.58
09/08/2020Race 3 SaratogaSmooth With a Kick2.00No4.336.66172.24
09/08/2020Race 5 SaratogaLady Rosalie1.00No6.50-1.00171.24
09/08/2020Race 6 SaratogaPrimacy1.00No6.50-1.00170.24
09/08/2020Race 10 SaratogaBank Gala1.00No11.0010.00180.24
12/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaA Vow Of Beauty1.00No21.00-1.00179.24
12/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaUnrighteous1.00No21.00-1.00178.24
12/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaLilac Lace1.00No9.50-1.00177.24
12/08/2020Race 10 SaratogaDeeply Analytical2.00No3.50-2.00175.24
13/08/2020Race 6 SaratogaOff Topic2.00No2.37-2.00173.24
13/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaDaggerboard1.00No8.50-1.00172.24
14/08/2020Race 1 SaratogaFlashing Red1.00No5.504.50176.74
14/08/2020Race 5 SaratogaSir Chubby1.00No11.00-1.00175.74
14/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaKazmania1.00No8.50-1.00174.74
14/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaArgonne1.00No15.00-1.00173.74
14/08/2020Race 10 SaratogaUnicorn Sally2.00No3.50-2.00171.74
15/08/2020Race 2 SaratogaRip It1.00No6.00-1.00170.74
15/08/2020Race 6 SaratogaHigh Knuckles1.00No19.00-1.00169.74
15/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaColonel Liam2.00No4.50-2.00167.74
15/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaEnvoutante1.00No17.00-1.00166.74
15/08/2020Race 11 SaratogaSidd Finch1.00No13.00-1.00165.74
16/08/2020Race 1 SaratogaNevisian Sunrise1.00No4.00-1.00164.74
16/08/2020Race 5 SaratogaPillar Mountain1.00No3.75-1.00163.74
16/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaLa Hara3.00No1.66-3.00160.74
16/08/2020Race 10 SaratogaSouthern Bridge1.00No4.003.00163.74
19/08/2020Race 1 SaratogaFast Car1.00No7.00-1.00162.74
19/08/2020Race 2 SaratogaStimulus Check1.00No17.0016.00178.74
19/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaMischievous Dream1.00No11.00-1.00177.74
19/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaSandraÂ’s Mine2.00No5.00-2.00175.74
20/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaReady To Escape1.00No12.00-1.00174.74
20/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaFetching2.00No5.00-2.00172.74
21/08/2020Race 4 SaratogaCitizen K1.00No3.75-1.00171.74
21/08/2020Race 6 SaratogaMirabell Mei1.00No34.00-1.00170.74
21/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaBeachside1.00No15.00-1.00169.74
21/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaGaelic Gold2.00No3.25-2.00167.74
22/08/2020Race 1 SaratogaFoliage1.00No7.00-1.00166.74
22/08/2020Race 2 SaratogaMacho Jack1.00No4.503.50170.24
22/08/2020Race 3 SaratogaMontauk Daddy1.00No34.00-1.00169.24
22/08/2020Race 3 SaratogaFrench Reef & Montauk Daddy RF1.00No0.00-1.00168.24
22/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaWithout Parole1.00No5.50-1.00167.24
23/08/2020Race 2 SaratogaUncork The Bottle1.00No7.006.00173.24
23/08/2020Race 5 SaratogaUnrelenting Force1.00No6.00-1.00172.24
23/08/2020Race 6 SaratogaTowering Gaze2.00No2.102.20174.44
26/08/2020Race 4 SaratogaBold Article1.00No5.50-1.00173.44
26/08/2020Race 5 SaratogaHard One1.00No15.00-1.00172.44
26/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaIsland Commish1.00No23.00-1.00171.44
26/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaBallerina Showgirl1.00No11.00-1.00170.44
27/08/2020Race 1 SaratogaPosse Can Disco1.00No8.00-1.00169.44
27/08/2020Race 4 SaratogaCorkman1.00No13.00-1.00168.44
27/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaMischief Afoot1.00No11.00-1.00167.44
28/08/2020Race 1 SaratogaCaptain Bombastic2.00No1.531.06168.50
28/08/2020Race 3 SaratogaOur American Star1.00No17.00-1.00167.50
28/08/2020Race 4 SaratogaMajestic West1.00No8.00-1.00166.50
28/08/2020Race 6 SaratogaLady Rocket1.00No11.0010.00176.50
28/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaIrish Front2.00No2.88-2.00174.50
29/08/2020Race 7 SaratogaBasin2.00No6.00-2.00172.50
29/08/2020Race 8 SaratogaFortin Hill1.00No5.00-1.00171.50
29/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaAquaphobia1.00No6.00-1.00170.50
30/08/2020Race 2 SaratogaFried Rice King1.00No6.005.00175.50
30/08/2020Race 3 SaratogaElusive Sight1.00No2.80-1.00174.50
30/08/2020Race 9 SaratogaLucky Stride1.00No26.00-1.00173.50
01/09/2020Race 1 Churchill DownsJust Fly1.00No2.621.62175.12
01/09/2020Race 2 Churchill DownsJack Luvs Nova1.00No8.50-1.00174.12
01/09/2020Race 3 Churchill DownsTwo Worlds2.00No4.33-2.00172.12
01/09/2020Race 5 Churchill DownsCuzzywuzzy1.00No7.50-1.00171.12
02/09/2020Race 6 SaratogaCity Temper1.00No4.053.05174.17
02/09/2020Race 9 SaratogaFire At Will2.00No3.755.50179.67
02/09/2020Race 10 SaratogaDiannesimpazible1.00No3.252.25181.92
03/09/2020Race 6 SaratogaThe Important One1.00No9.50-1.00180.92
03/09/2020Race 10 SaratogaMy Sweet Wife1.00No4.503.50184.42
04/09/2020Race 4 Churchill DownsOcean Breeze1.00No3.50-1.00183.42
04/09/2020Race 6 Churchill DownsNitrous1.00No13.00-1.00182.42
04/09/2020Race 7 Churchill DownsI Hear You1.00No7.00-1.00181.42
04/09/2020Race 9 Churchill DownsSharing1.00No1.600.60182.02
04/09/2020Race 11 Churchill DownsMonomoy Girl2.00No1.571.14183.16
04/09/2020Race 12 Churchill DownsSpeech1.00No7.00-1.00182.16
05/09/2020Race 3 KentuckyDynacharge1.00No4.50-1.00181.16
05/09/2020Race 4 KentuckyEssential Quality1.00No2.901.90183.06
05/09/2020Race 5 KentuckyAttorney Tim1.00No11.00-1.00182.06
05/09/2020Race 7 KentuckyTank Commander1.00No9.00-1.00181.06
05/09/2020Race 9 KentuckyRushie1.00No4.503.50184.56
05/09/2020Race 11 KentuckyNewspaperofrecord2.00No1.72-2.00182.56
05/09/2020Race 13 KentuckyDigital Age1.00No7.006.00188.56
05/09/2020Race 14 KentuckyTiz The Law2.00No1.67-2.00186.56
06/09/2020Race 1 SaratogaMalibu Curl1.00No6.705.70192.26
06/09/2020Race 3 SaratogaFirst Rate2.00No4.33-2.00190.26
06/09/2020Race 6 SaratogaBrass Ring1.00No9.00-1.00189.26
06/09/2020Race 9 SaratogaGuana Cay2.00No4.33-2.00187.26
07/09/2020Race 2 SaratogaFort Worth2.00No3.50-2.00185.26
07/09/2020Race 7 SaratogaLovestruck1.00No13.0012.00197.26
07/09/2020Race 8 SaratogaBreaking The Rules2.00No3.00-2.00195.26
07/09/2020Race 9 SaratogaTeam Merchants1.00No8.007.00202.26
07/09/2020Race 12 SaratogaGauguin1.00No6.00-1.00201.26
07/09/2020Race 13 SaratogaPapetu1.00No17.00-1.00200.26

Review Summary

Our US Racing Expert review turned out to be a huge success with 100.26 points profit at an ROI of 17.6%.

We had actually doubled our bank in the first two months, but there was a correction before things went back on the up again.

We were impressed with the US Racing Expert service right from the off, but over the course of our review we witnessed the service evolve into something quite special.

The passion that James has for the sport really showed, with the in-depth analysis of each tip that he began including fairly early on in our review. We feel it was a nice touch to be able to see his thought process in picking the selections.

Key Stats

Advised OddsAvailable Odds
Number of Bets491491
Total Stakes (pts)586.0586.0
Profit/Loss (pts)91.69100.26
Profit/Loss (£10 stakes)£916.90£1,002.60
Strike Rate20.0%20.0%
Overall Bank Growth91.7%100.3%
Bank (100pt starting)191.69200.26

Occasionally James also linked to a video that he had personally recorded with previews for upcoming races.

There are just a couple of things to be aware of. Firstly, the service can be quite volatile and historical results show some swings in results that the advised bank would struggle with. We feel that a starting bank of perhaps 150-200 points, rather than 100 points, would be safer.

Sometimes bookmakers take a little longer to price up markets so the tipster usually advises to bet either at Bet365, which generally prices up the earliest, or just to take the SP (starting price). There is the option to bet on an exchange too, but you would have to wait for the markets to form.

With growing popularity in US horse racing, this shouldn't be an issue for much longer.

We highly recommend taking a look at US Racing Expert and have added the service to our "passed" tipsters.

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Laura Greve

About Laura

I have been running the 'Betting System Review' part of Goal Profits since 2015. I carry out fully independent reviews of betting and trading systems, tracking results and giving my honest feedback.

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